
​The streets weren’t well lit today.

“What was up” she held a finger to her chin,

Questioning everything that was happening. 


Where have the lights gone 

She got lost once or twice in her paths

The dullness blinding her.

But alas she didn’t know,

All the light was gone to conjure miracles higher up

Waiting to be born.


Maybe she’ll see the lights soon

But sooner will she see miracles.


​Ruffled sheets,

Tainted with weariness,

On the bed beside her.

Sitting on the corner of the sodden chair,

in her purple glittering gown,

Circling her finger around the rim

Of the glass of wine,

Now mostly empty,

Her hair beautiful

But a mess now.
Let’s call it a day 

She says.

After all it took so much out of her

Her body ached with tiredness

Her mind was feeble.

She got up and tried to drift,

“Sweet slumber come to me”

But apparently sleep doesn’t come to the tired

It comes to the unruffled.


She took a deep breath. Her face hot from the burning heat of the day. One more mile to go. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she picked up her long skirt that whimpered against the desert sand. Night was crawling in now. Her hair long and frizzy made the perfect silhouette of her against the purple twilight. Her journey had been long. Fruitless. Often she had been lost. Time was beating her. And she did not know how to fight back. She was tired, but she walked. For she knew, despite the desert being large, somewhere lay her destiny. And she could not lay still. For rather be lost than hopeless. 

With nothing but the hope for than ending mile she walked. There were no paths. The desert was vast. And the mile may curve inside. She may get lost in loops. But faith had her. She took a plunge,looked at the stars. In that moment her heart studied what her eyes saw and she found her way. The cool breeze went past her hair and she lay down. There it was. Her world. Her dreams, him and everything else that had been delayed to her. 


With dust and sand she built her dreams

But the tempest of truth swept it all.

With colors she sketched her dreams

But reality took away the light.

Her castles were burnt in fumes

Nothing left but mere sand dunes.

Charred remains of nothingness.

She carved her dreams and swore and fought

But alas she was tethered too taut

And every step was thus stopped.

She flung and tried

The shackles finally giving in to her stride.

Sand and gore were the magic potion

Emancipation was her salvation.

Everything now brown and rud

Scarred and wounded she painted her dreams in blood.


Strolling through the streets
With the sweet twilight breeze caressing her damp hair with its fingers
She shut her eyes and took a deep breath
Oh, she could feel the air as concretely as the ground beneath
Everything seemed real, surreal.
The fondling music enwrapping the city
The firmament beaming with the white luminescence emanating from the fairly lights .
She made her way through alleys and passageways
Groping through the red brick houses
And squinting her eyes to catch the sight of – God knows what
But she felt, there was something
She was to find in that Maze of a town.
A shadow lurked behind somewhere, she felt,
Maybe trailing her.
There it was, the perfect silhouette
The man of her dreams, waiting for her
For this day spelled everything about it.
She could no longer keep herself
As she rushed past the air
And that was the only friction that would exist between them now.
She stood there watching, prepared to bow down and greet
As and when the moment would please.
And Lord, the look on a face when color drains from it
For there it was, the murkiest of barrels with a pot atop
Flanked by sticks and brooms and ladders, giving it an abstruse human form .
A feeling of self-pity and reproach
Shook her and she stood aghast.
Realization dawned upon her then,
And it resonates somewhere still now
That she fell for something that never really existed.